Use Magic Suggestions to Tag Donors to Stripe and Mazlo Campaign Payouts
This guide will walk you through using magic suggestions to tag donors to Stripe and Mazlo donation campaign payouts.
Last updated
This guide will walk you through using magic suggestions to tag donors to Stripe and Mazlo donation campaign payouts.
Last updated
With Magic Suggestions, tagging donor profiles becomes a breeze. Mazlo’s magic suggestions feature automatically identifies and suggests donor profiles when they donate through Stripe and Mazlo donation campaigns.
Step 1: Open the Mazlo Transactions List
Step 2: Open the Stripe or Mazlo Donation Campaign Payout
Step 3: Look for the Sparkle in the Donor Field
The donor field for a Stripe or Mazlo Donation Campaign payout will have a sparkle. This is the Magic Suggestion icon that signals there's a match.
Step 4: Click on the Sparkle to Add the Donor
By clicking on the sparkle, you’ll see the suggested donor for the transaction.
Click the donor profile to tag it to the donation.
For donors that do not have a profile in Mazlo yet, click 'New Donor' to create their profile.
Select whether this donor is an individual or an organization.
The donor's name and email will be automatically populated, if they're provided by the donor. Confirm and click 'Next.'
Optionally, enter their address for your records and click 'Save.'
Success! The donor will now be tagged to this donation.
Step 6: Mark as Complete and Save
Once you’ve tagged all the donors, mark the transaction as 'Complete.'
Finally, click ‘Save.'
Now the payout will appear as a line item with 'Multiple Donors' in your Mazlo Transactions list.
Please contact our team if you have any questions: